Sunday, December 12, 2021

Strategic Transport Master Plan for Rwanda


Rwanda has various hills and valleys which make it had to construct roads in those areas. There is no reliable local road transportation in place. High road accidents due to poor driving and narrow roads.

In total, 76 teams applied for this design challenge. Of those 76 teams, 12 teams were selected to further develop their ideas and prototypes during working sessions. In this period, the teams were guided by various mentors from Impact Hub, African Leadership University, Awesomity Lab, Smart Africa Secretariat, Segal Family Foundation and Pascal Technology. Topics of the working sessions included emerging technologies, business modeling, pitch preparation and user interface design.

In the beginning of August, the teams presented their progress in a pitch at the DigiCenter, where four teams got selected for the final round of the challenge. Afterwards, the teams regularly met with the mentors and finetuned their prototypes.

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